Saturday, December 3, 2016

Our new app 'You Cast' is out

This month we released our latest app 'You Cast'.  This was one app I basically built for myself.  I almost exclusively watch TV through my Chromecast device these days.  Mostly I do this through my android phone or tablet or via a laptop.  However sometimes my wife's 640 XL running Windows Phone 8.1 is the only thing handy.  Unfortunately google have not provided any official chromecast api support for windows phone 8.1 and Windows 10 apps. 

Frustrated by the inability to cast videos from this device I set about creating an app that would fill this void. 

This involved quite a bit of research, wire-shark network traffic analysis and trial and error but after few weeks of effort I was able to produce an app that allows you tube videos to be cast from windows phones. 

So far the response has been pretty positive.  It took a few weeks before it showed up in the store but as of last week the acquisitions grew from basically none to over 1000. 

I have included a banner ad at the top of the app.  So far the ad impressions seem pretty steady. I use pub center as my paid network and ad duplex for affiliate advertising,  See ad duplex graph below.

Anyway regardless of whether it makes any money this app has served its purpose by giving me another device to cast videos with.  If you have any feedback or feature request leave a comment or send us an email/tweet.